what’s the worst advice you never took?

If I would have done even half the things I was suggested when I started exploring myself as an artist and a woman looking for more, I would’ve never ended up here, right where I was supposed to be. Choosing something you love and letting it kill you is so over rated; if you are loving what you do, you are not dead or dying. If you are dying from exhaustion from a job that you love, you are not living. You can do it ALL and still have time for YOU. The worst advice I was ever given was to choose one genre of photography to specialize in, I AM SO HAPPY I DID NOT LISTEN. If I would have been limiting myself, saying ‘no’ to things that did not fit in my box (there’s so much metaphor here), I would have felt like I was dying, I would be dead. It would be all wrong and I know this because I tried it. Listening to others tell me how to be MYSELF is not good for my health and you should avoid it too. Asking advice and brainstorming with people who love you is all you can do, mentoring with people who do what you love is the best thing you can do and I know this because I tried it.

What have you tried lately that you may not have tried if you were stuck in your own box?

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